Notes & Replies
I don’t know a single individual who has studied Bitcoin for more than 10–20 hours and doesn’t want to accumulate as much as possible. If you’ve dedicated at least 10 hours of your life to understanding the technology and still don’t feel like accumulating it, you’re certainly lying to yourself. #bitcoin #damus #nostr #zapathon #asknostr
[Rogue]-[Amendiares], agent
You missed the point. Popularity =/= Performance. You can be well known and still be terrible at doing certain things. Just because Bitcoin is far more popular than Monero does not mean that it is better than XMR. That is an incredibly childish way of looking at things. "Changing lives" is in the short-term. You need to start looking at the long-term as well, especially since so many countries have been looking into having BTC strategic reserves, leading to the centralization of BTC, as well as the rise of companies like Chainanalysis that can track transactions so easily. You're better off just using your credit card if you choose BTC.
13 days ago
YOU missed the point. BTC > XMR
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